Banana Republic tank (similar)
S.C & Co pants (similar)
Not going to lie, talking about my real life on this blog is sometimes daunting - hence the fact I haven't done TOO much of that. However, like I've stated many times, I'm trying to adapt a more personal vibe to my blog. I want you to see the real me and feel as though you are talking to a friend. For that reason, I thought I would make a post about life lately.
If you follow me on Instagram, you might have noticed me talk about how I have been so busy lately, to the point of putting my blog on the back burner for a few days. Well, here is what has been happening lately. My husband and I own two properties in different cities and I am trying to tie up all the business concerning one of those properties. My husband mostly works in the city in which we call home, and so I have been doing a lot of the business on the other property all by myself. Thankfully he was able to take a week off of work to come help me, which has been a life saver!
On the personal side, I am going through a lot of changes regarding my career. I am basically at that awkward stage in my twenties where the next move needs to be made, but the options are endless. Not going to lie, choosing the right path is super stressful! Although I definitely understand how much of a privilege it is to have this issue in the first place, I cannot help but feel the anxiety surrounding this. Through these rather challenging times, I often remind myself of this quote: "God is more concerned about your character than your career". If you are not religious, replace that with "the universe" and it still applies ;)
I hope that you are all having an amazing end of August. I know for many of you this means back to school or back to work in full swing. One of the best memories I had this summer was spending quality time with my family outdoors through fitness. It is truly a blessing how my husband and I can remain close with our parents despite moving into a new stage in ours lives.
This post may be read as a rambling one, however that is an accurate description to how life is these days - all over the place! I would love to hear about your life, so please leave me a comment here or on Instagram.
How has life been for you lately?
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